Banking and Financial Markets need data and information more than ever. The way the market has changed rapidly makes decision-maker level in industries must be able to make a strategic decision. For the government, it is way more important as the policymaker must be able to see from various angles.
Prof. Iman has been involved in many regulatory policy issues at the Basel Committee and in particular in the Research Task Force – chairing several groups. He has published widely on international banking and financial networks and has worked for Deutsche Bank, the Bank of England, and the International Data Hub at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). At the BIS he helped to setup analysis of the exposure network of the largest banks in the world. His current interest is to foster cooperation amongst central banks and supervisors through the deployment of open source tooling.
Kursus The Use of Big Data in Supervision and Economic Policy ini memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam dan praktis tentang the use of big data in supervision and economic policy untuk membantu Anda mengembangkan keterampilan yang diperlukan dalam bidang tersebut. Cocok untuk pemula maupun profesional yang ingin meningkatkan kemampuannya.